


I'm Louise Otto, an eloquent Jekyll/Hyde putting the creative and strategic in “Christ, that woman’s work is so creative and strategic!”.

I combine a keen analytical eye with a boundlessly creative mind. Flourishy phrases aside, that pretty much boils down to a single thing: Each word I write for you is carefully selected to take your audience where you want them to go. (Unlike the original Dr Jekyll, the only danger I pose is to your competition, and that's for you and I to clink glasses over behind closed doors.)

When writing copy for a tech pioneer, I got the chance to work with a brilliant team of UX and UI designers. That fit my two-pronged approach to copywriting like a user-centred glove, and I dived head first into this new passion as a born-again UX writer.

Communication has always been key for me. Growing up in three different countries made me a native speaker of English, Swedish, and German, with plenty of cultural insight to boot.

When you hire me, you tap into expert knowledge, extensive experience, and an innate – inimitable – je ne sais quoi.

Simply put, you get poetry that kills it.